
UAE jobs: Hotels are filling positions with short-term contracts as peak season comes early

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With COP28 event close on the horizon, UAE hotels fill up all available job roles

Dubai: The busy season has come in nice and early for part-time jobs in the UAE’s hotel industry, with demand for experienced personnel being such that the pay and perks too have risen.

At this time of the year, hotels do hire more part-timers, on contracts that extend to the first couple of weeks of the new year. But this year, the hiring process started early, more so because hotel operators don’t want to be caught short when peak occupancy levels hit. This year’s November and December bookings already show this to be the case as the countdown to the COP28 summit (November 30 to December 12), the F1 Abu Dhabi (November 26) and Dubai Airshow (from November 13-17) start.


Part-time recruits have opportunities on multiple scales across an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly wage.
“There is a premium on short-term hourly/daily contracts. On average, part-time monthly packages range from about Dh5,000 to Dh10,000, depending on the position,” said Nikhil Nanda, Director of Innovations Group.
Nikhil Nanda also said, “Seasonal and part-time hiring has increased this year due to events such as COP28. As a result, the part-time hiring season has also started much earlier than usual.”

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