
UAE jobs: Huge demand for temporary positions across sectors

Huge demand for temporary positions across sectors
Inroduction Temping a win-win for employers, job seekers amid COVID-19, say recruiters
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Win-win situation

According to Nikhil Nanda, recruitment manager, Innovations Group, part-time work opportunities are the key to helping businesses reduce costs whilst allowing employees to earn additional income.

“The one shining light during the COVID-19 period was that companies kept all their employees’ visas open and allowed them to work for other companies that might need them,” he said.

But Nanda noted that not all industries have suffered during the pandemic. “Industries such as logistics, healthcare, and manufacturing for example were in dire need of assistance as their entire recruitment pipeline came to a standstill when people could not fly into the country. Such companies were left with no choice but to hire part-time workers locally. At Innovations Group, we used this opportunity to push our temping portal to allow candidates to legally work part time with companies that require the additional manpower. There are many work opportunities in the market and there are more than enough talented professionals. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough efficient bridges to connect the two.”

Credit: Gulf News

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